Matt Heywood has been sharing his story about skin cancer with followers on Instagram since 2021. Just before the Coronavirus pandemic locked the world down, Matt noticed a small mole on his back. Matt didn’t want to be an inconvenience and so it wasn’t until his partner noticed that the mole had changed while he was brushing his teeth, that he made an appointment. After just one appointment with his GP, Matt was sent to a dermatologist, who confirmed a diagnosis of melanoma.
Things moved quickly from that point for Matt and soon what was an unsuspicious mole, became Stage 3 melanoma requiring intensive surgery and “mop-up” immunotherapy.
Since then, Matt has become a strong advocate for skin checks, raising awareness and mindfulness. With England’s Peak District on his doorstep, Matt completed the Three Peaks Challenge in August of this year in aid of Melanoma Awareness. His love of nature extending into his home life, with his partner Nicky, daughters, and their furry pal, Leo, all enjoying the rolling green around them.
Matt joined us at the beginning of the Light Skin Science journey, to help educate people about how to safely, and happily, enjoy being surrounded by light. We took a walk with Matt and he told us about how the last two years have changed his perspective and enhanced his life – take it away, Matt!

“If just one person in a thousand registers to go and get a mole checked, or they realise that they’re living in the sun wrong, then my job’s done.”
Matt Heywood